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Tri-Co Philly: Place, People and Collaborative Research in Philadelphia

Fall 2019
This transdisciplinary course, which will be taught in Philadelphia, focuses on anthropology鈥檚 contributions (and potential contributions) to engaging critical environmental issues in urban settings.

This transdisciplinary course, which will be taught in Philadelphia, focuses on anthropology鈥檚 contributions (and potential contributions) to engaging critical environmental issues in urban settings.

ANTH H309/ENVS H309 | Tuesday/Friday 12:10-2:55 p.m.
Joshua Moses

This transdisciplinary course, which will be taught in Philadelphia, focuses on anthropology鈥檚 contributions (and potential contributions) to engaging critical environmental issues in urban settings. Collaborative environmental work with urban communities is inherently interdisciplinary, drawing on anthropology, urban planning, public health, ecology, and geography. Through a study of Philadelphia鈥檚 current struggles to redefine itself as a green city, students will gain grounding in anthropological theory and practice and urban ecology. Themes will include the intersections of race, class, and gender; environmental justice; urban farming/gardening; brownfields; grassroots organizing; action research; and ideas of place, home and nature. The course will focus on the ethics and practice of community collaboration and community-based research in environmental work in urban settings. Readings will include: Joan Iverson Nassauer, Roger Sanjek, Peter Berg, Anne Rademencher, Rowan Rowntree, Gregory Bateson, Lindsay K. Campbell, Meredith Minkler, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, Eric Swyngedouw, Davydd Greenwod, Eve Tuck, Kim Fortun, Julian Agyeman, Paul Robbins.

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