Authors: Scott Giacomucci, Joshua Marquit, Rachel Saccarelli & Haydn Briggs
Source: Social Work with Groups,
Publication Type: Journal Article
Abstract: This mixed-methods study (n = 60) explores the effectiveness of psychodrama in reducing symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and depression in an inpatient drug and alcohol facility. Quantitative findings demonstrate an average decrease in PTSD by 45% and in depression by 69%. Qualitative data from participant surveys support the outcomes and shed additional light on participants’ experience participating in trauma-focused psychodrama. Both quantitative and qualitative outcomes suggest treatment effects were similar regardless of whether participants were the psychodrama protagonist, played a supportive role, or observed. Results add to the evidence-base of psychodrama as an effective group therapy approach for trauma and depression while supporting participants in their recovery from addiction. While there are limitations to this research design, findings contribute to the research base supporting psychodrama’s effectiveness as a group psychotherapy.